You have arrived to Vladivostok to have a rest? Stay in our hotel and this information will make your rest pleasant.
Arrival to Vladivostok
In Primorskiy Region and the city of Vladivostok advances Moscow at 7 o'clock
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So, you have arrived to Vladivostok...
Hotel "Granit" is located in A silent area of Vladivostok – capitals of Primorye Territory, to the address of: Kotelnikova Street, 13 The taxi can be taken at the airport or railway station, or to call on the phone.
If you have arrived to Vladivostok simply to have a rest (such clients at us of 30 %), stay in the hotel " Granit "! It is located in historical city centre, in silent place. After excursions on the city you can have a rest in our hotel.
Accommodation and rest in the hotel "Granit"
Hotel " Granit " is an equally convenient both as for a work, so for a rest.
The institution favourably differs from other hotels of city house comfort.
You are waited with rest in the cosy rooms of the categories «Economy», "Standard" and "Studio" there is a TV where, access in the Internet, a bathroom.
In each number there is equipped by all necessary kitchen so you can always make a house dinner for yourselves and the family.
Service has a level of the western standards. Necessary convenience and a wide range of services are provided to our guests.
Rest in Vladivostok
Portal " Rest and entertainments in Vladivostok " the Poster of Vladivostok
Directory resource on entertainments and rest in Vladivostok
«Shamora.Information» Rest in Primorski Krai — on the sea and in a taiga