In the hotel " Granit " is provided the wide range of services which let know around of itself house comfort and a cosiness.
Service in rooms - fulltime |
Residing with animals |
Snackbar - fulltime |
Services of a laundry and a dry-cleaner |
Room of the negotiations on 10-15 persons |
Parking for cars |
Business centre - a computer, the Internet, a fax, copier |
Left-luggage office |
Wi-Fi the Internet |
Dental cabinet |
Excursion service |
Transport services, meeting at the airport or at the train station |
Booking air and railway tickets |
Booking tickets in theatres and on the concerts |
Cyber-cash |
Payment by the basic payment cards |
Rent office areasOpen Society VOP "Granit" offers office areas in rent. All questions to address to director of the hotel: +7 (4232) 20-38-65.